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膝蓋痛加上膝關節痛…….髕骨軟化症[Eng Subtitles] Chondromalacia Patella Exercises

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你有沒有膝關節痛、膝蓋痛問題?有可能你是患上了髕骨軟化症!Dr Joe 會同大家講解吓這個症狀,有什麼運動適合做來舒緩這個問題。大家記住,做的時候又痛又唔舒服就要停,不要勉強,然後再問專業人士。

In this video, Dr. Joe demonstrates the exercises for knee cap pain called Chondromalacia Patella. Please try them at your discretion.

#脊醫 #汪家智 #汪家智註冊脊醫 #膝關節痛 #膝關節退化 #膝蓋痛 #髕骨軟化症
#廣東話youtuber #drjoe護膝健腿操 #強化腿部 #DrJoe脊醫教室 #伸展
#drjoewong #kneepain #weaklegs #badposture #leg #frailty #kneecappain #chrondromalaciaPatella
#chiropractor #drjoe #core

0:00 簡介 Introduction
7:15 運動一:毛巾強化股內斜肌Exercise 1: Strengthening the VMO with a Towel
8:53 運動二:伸展股四頭Exercise 2: Quadriceps Stretch
10:25 運動三:臀大肌強化Exercise 3: Gluteal Muscle Strengthening
12:23 運動四:伸展髂脛束Exercise 4: IT Band Stretch

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This video (including but not limited to its description, comments, and statements made therein) is for informational purposes only. This video is not and is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. You are advised to obtain professional medical advice or treatment from a qualified medical professional. You are solely at your own risk should you decide to follow or administer any of the treatments shown in this video. If you do so and feel unwell or in pain at any point, please stop immediately and contact a qualified medical professional or visit the nearest hospital emergency department.

Dr. Joseph Wong and [Dr. Joe Wong] do not accept any liability for any losses, injuries, or damages arising from any action that you may take or refrain from taking in reliance of the contents of this video.


汪家智 註冊脊醫和 [Dr. Joe Wong] 不能也不會承擔因您依賴本視頻的內容而採取或沒有採取的任何行動而引致的任何損失、傷害和損害的任何責任。
