What if Leia Traveled Back in Time to SAVE Padme in Revenge of the Sith
Darth Theorist
What if Leia Traveled Back in Time to SAVE Padme in Revenge of the Sith
What If Anakin Found The One Ring On Mustafar?
Darth Theorist
What If Anakin Found The One Ring On Mustafar?
What if Revan SAVED Qui-Gon Jinn in The Phantom Menace
Darth Theorist
What if Revan SAVED Qui-Gon Jinn in The Phantom Menace
What if Obi-Wan was Framed for the Jedi Temple Bombing
Darth Theorist
What if Obi-Wan was Framed for the Jedi Temple Bombing
What if Anakin Perfected ALL Lightsaber Forms During The Clone Wars
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin Perfected ALL Lightsaber Forms During The Clone Wars
What if Anakin Skywalker Trained Ahsoka AND Starkiller
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin Skywalker Trained Ahsoka AND Starkiller
What if The Team Fortress 2 Mercenaries Fought in The Clone Wars
Darth Theorist
What if The Team Fortress 2 Mercenaries Fought in The Clone Wars
What if Mace Windu TRUSTED Anakin and Arrested Palpatine
Darth Theorist
What if Mace Windu TRUSTED Anakin and Arrested Palpatine
What if Anakin and Obi-Wan Found Palpatine ALREADY DEAD
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin and Obi-Wan Found Palpatine ALREADY DEAD
What if Mace Windu Survived and Warned the Jedi of Order 66
Darth Theorist
What if Mace Windu Survived and Warned the Jedi of Order 66
What If Palpatine Truly Cared About Anakin and Padmé
Darth Theorist
What If Palpatine Truly Cared About Anakin and Padmé
What if Dr. Gero BUILT Darth Vader's Suit
Darth Theorist
What if Dr. Gero BUILT Darth Vader's Suit
What if Darth Vader Used The World Between Worlds To SAVE Anakin From Turning
Darth Theorist
What if Darth Vader Used The World Between Worlds To SAVE Anakin From Turning
What if Palpatine Never Assassinated Darth Plagueis
Darth Theorist
What if Palpatine Never Assassinated Darth Plagueis
What if Anakin's Children Were Born During The Clone Wars
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin's Children Were Born During The Clone Wars
What if Anakin Became a Master and Had Visions of Order 66
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin Became a Master and Had Visions of Order 66
What if Anakin Became Grand Master and STILL Fell to The Dark Side
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin Became Grand Master and STILL Fell to The Dark Side
What If Obi-Wan Married Satine & Forged a Jedi Mandalorian Treaty
Darth Theorist
What If Obi-Wan Married Satine & Forged a Jedi Mandalorian Treaty
What if Dooku DIDN'T Knock Out Obi-Wan in Revenge of The Sith
Darth Theorist
What if Dooku DIDN'T Knock Out Obi-Wan in Revenge of The Sith
What if Padme Convinced Obi-Wan to Save Anakin on Mustafar
Darth Theorist
What if Padme Convinced Obi-Wan to Save Anakin on Mustafar
What If Anakin, Ahsoka, and the 501st Went Rogue Before Order 66
Darth Theorist
What If Anakin, Ahsoka, and the 501st Went Rogue Before Order 66
What if Darth Maul Discovered the Spirit of Exar Kun on Yavin IV - Part 2
Darth Theorist
What if Darth Maul Discovered the Spirit of Exar Kun on Yavin IV - Part 2
What if R2-D2 and C-3PO Saved Anakin on Mustafar (FIXED)
Darth Theorist
What if R2-D2 and C-3PO Saved Anakin on Mustafar (FIXED)
What If the Justice League Joined the Jedi in the Fight Against the Sith
Darth Theorist
What If the Justice League Joined the Jedi in the Fight Against the Sith
What if Yoda Joined The Jedi Strike Force in Revenge of The Sith
Darth Theorist
What if Yoda Joined The Jedi Strike Force in Revenge of The Sith
What If Darth Maul Awakened Exar Kun's Spirit on Yavin 4
Darth Theorist
What If Darth Maul Awakened Exar Kun's Spirit on Yavin 4
What If Anakin Doubted Palpatine While the Jedi Council Trusted Him - PART 2
Darth Theorist
What If Anakin Doubted Palpatine While the Jedi Council Trusted Him - PART 2
What if Anakin Skywalker Became Spawn on Mustafar
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin Skywalker Became Spawn on Mustafar
What If Anakin Doubted Palpatine While the Jedi Council Trusted Him
Darth Theorist
What If Anakin Doubted Palpatine While the Jedi Council Trusted Him
What if Yoda Took Anakin to Kashyyyk in Revenge of The Sith
Darth Theorist
What if Yoda Took Anakin to Kashyyyk in Revenge of The Sith
What if Obi Wan Was on Coruscant When Palpatine Tried to Turn Anakin
Darth Theorist
What if Obi Wan Was on Coruscant When Palpatine Tried to Turn Anakin
What If Vader Snapped After Finding Out the Empire Sold Slaves
Darth Theorist
What If Vader Snapped After Finding Out the Empire Sold Slaves
What if Lelouche from Code Geass Led the Rebellion in Star Wars
Darth Theorist
What if Lelouche from Code Geass Led the Rebellion in Star Wars
What if Anakin Learned Shatterpoint in The Clone Wars
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin Learned Shatterpoint in The Clone Wars
What if Yoda Fought Maul With Qui Gon and Obi Wan on Naboo
Darth Theorist
What if Yoda Fought Maul With Qui Gon and Obi Wan on Naboo
What if Anakin Told Obi Wan About Palpatine in Revenge of The Sith
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin Told Obi Wan About Palpatine in Revenge of The Sith
What If Palpatine Started the Spartan Program from Halo
Darth Theorist
What If Palpatine Started the Spartan Program from Halo
What If the Jedi Council Helped Anakin Heal After Losing His Mom
Darth Theorist
What If the Jedi Council Helped Anakin Heal After Losing His Mom
What if Mace Windu Survived and Fought Anakin on Mustafar
Darth Theorist
What if Mace Windu Survived and Fought Anakin on Mustafar
What if Revan Became Grand Master in The Phantom Menace
Darth Theorist
What if Revan Became Grand Master in The Phantom Menace
What If Palpatine Was Betrayed by the Senate With Order 65 After Order 66 is Executed
Darth Theorist
What If Palpatine Was Betrayed by the Senate With Order 65 After Order 66 is Executed
What If Anakin Mastered Makashi After Losing His Arm to Dooku
Darth Theorist
What If Anakin Mastered Makashi After Losing His Arm to Dooku
What if Revan Awakened in The Clone Wars and Trained Maul
Darth Theorist
What if Revan Awakened in The Clone Wars and Trained Maul
What if Anakin FLED Instead of Jumping to the High Ground
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin FLED Instead of Jumping to the High Ground
What if Palpatine Was Defeated Before Anakin Arrived in Revenge of the Sith
Darth Theorist
What if Palpatine Was Defeated Before Anakin Arrived in Revenge of the Sith
What if Revan Awakened and TRAINED Palpatine
Darth Theorist
What if Revan Awakened and TRAINED Palpatine
What If Anakin Received a Red Kyber Crystal From Ilum
Darth Theorist
What If Anakin Received a Red Kyber Crystal From Ilum
What if the Jedi Found Hogwarts in the Star Wars Galaxy
Darth Theorist
What if the Jedi Found Hogwarts in the Star Wars Galaxy
What if Revan Became Emperor, NOT Palpatine
Darth Theorist
What if Revan Became Emperor, NOT Palpatine
What if Palpatine Saw His Own DEATH in the World Between Worlds
Darth Theorist
What if Palpatine Saw His Own DEATH in the World Between Worlds
What if Grandmaster Luke Time Traveled to The Battle of Geonosis
Darth Theorist
What if Grandmaster Luke Time Traveled to The Battle of Geonosis
What if Everyone KNEW Palpatine was THE Sith Lord
Darth Theorist
What if Everyone KNEW Palpatine was THE Sith Lord
What if Anakin Skywalker Was Trained By Avatar Kyoshi
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin Skywalker Was Trained By Avatar Kyoshi
What If Anakin Convinced The Jedi Council NOT to Dismiss Ahsoka
Darth Theorist
What If Anakin Convinced The Jedi Council NOT to Dismiss Ahsoka
What if The Jedi Council Believed in Anakin From The Beginning
Darth Theorist
What if The Jedi Council Believed in Anakin From The Beginning
What if Revan Awakened and Joined the CIS
Darth Theorist
What if Revan Awakened and Joined the CIS
What if Anakin Skywalker Went Back in Time to Revan’s Sith Empire
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin Skywalker Went Back in Time to Revan’s Sith Empire
What if Anakin Skywalker Started a Superhero Order During The Clone Wars
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin Skywalker Started a Superhero Order During The Clone Wars
What if Thrawn Raised Anakin Skywalker to Shape The Galaxy
Darth Theorist
What if Thrawn Raised Anakin Skywalker to Shape The Galaxy
What if the Jedi Council TRUSTED Palpatine
Darth Theorist
What if the Jedi Council TRUSTED Palpatine
What if Revan Awakened and Saved Anakin on Mustafar
Darth Theorist
What if Revan Awakened and Saved Anakin on Mustafar
What if Anakin Convinced Obi-Wan the Jedi Were Evil on Mustafar
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin Convinced Obi-Wan the Jedi Were Evil on Mustafar
What if The Night King from Game of Thrones Invaded in Star Wars
Darth Theorist
What if The Night King from Game of Thrones Invaded in Star Wars
What if Darth Vader Repaired His Body and Reached His Full Potential
Darth Theorist
What if Darth Vader Repaired His Body and Reached His Full Potential
What If Anakin Was Made GRAND MASTER in Revenge of the Sith
Darth Theorist
What If Anakin Was Made GRAND MASTER in Revenge of the Sith
What if Anakin Learned VAAPAD During The Clone Wars
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin Learned VAAPAD During The Clone Wars
What if Revan Awakened During The Clone Wars
Darth Theorist
What if Revan Awakened During The Clone Wars
What if the Dragon Balls Were Found in the Star Wars Galaxy
Darth Theorist
What if the Dragon Balls Were Found in the Star Wars Galaxy
What if The Jedi Council Sent ANAKIN to Fight Grievous
Darth Theorist
What if The Jedi Council Sent ANAKIN to Fight Grievous
What if Anakin Died on Mustafar and TRAINED Luke as a Force Ghost
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin Died on Mustafar and TRAINED Luke as a Force Ghost
What if Mace Windu SURVIVED And Trained Luke in VAAPAD
Darth Theorist
What if Mace Windu SURVIVED And Trained Luke in VAAPAD
What if Revan Awakened During Order 66 and Saved Anakin
Darth Theorist
What if Revan Awakened During Order 66 and Saved Anakin
What if The Infinity Stones Were Kyber Crystals
Darth Theorist
What if The Infinity Stones Were Kyber Crystals
What if Anakin Skywalker Was a Genius
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin Skywalker Was a Genius
What If The Jedi Never Learned of the Clone Army on Kamino
Darth Theorist
What If The Jedi Never Learned of the Clone Army on Kamino
What if Order 66 was Executed BUT the Jedi SURVIVED
Darth Theorist
What if Order 66 was Executed BUT the Jedi SURVIVED
What if Palpatine Was Secretly a Grey Jedi, NOT a Sith Lord
Darth Theorist
What if Palpatine Was Secretly a Grey Jedi, NOT a Sith Lord
What if The Doctor Went Back To Stop Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith
Darth Theorist
What if The Doctor Went Back To Stop Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith
What if Luke Skywalker Time Traveled to Revenge of the Sith
Darth Theorist
What if Luke Skywalker Time Traveled to Revenge of the Sith
What If Padme Exposed Order 66 to the Jedi and Senate
Darth Theorist
What If Padme Exposed Order 66 to the Jedi and Senate
What if The Father From Mortis DIDN'T Erase Anakin's Memories
Darth Theorist
What if The Father From Mortis DIDN'T Erase Anakin's Memories
What if Revan Awakened During the Empire Era and Found Luke
Darth Theorist
What if Revan Awakened During the Empire Era and Found Luke
What if The Covenant from Halo Invaded The Star Wars Galaxy
Darth Theorist
What if The Covenant from Halo Invaded The Star Wars Galaxy
What if Anakin Was an Adult When Found by the Jedi
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin Was an Adult When Found by the Jedi
What if the Son from Mortis Sent Anakin to the Empire Era
Darth Theorist
What if the Son from Mortis Sent Anakin to the Empire Era
What if Darth Vader Cloned and Trained Anakin from The Clone Wars
Darth Theorist
What if Darth Vader Cloned and Trained Anakin from The Clone Wars
What if Anakin Learned To Remove Force Connections Like Aang
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin Learned To Remove Force Connections Like Aang
What if Anakin Skywalker Never Trusted Palpatine
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin Skywalker Never Trusted Palpatine
What if Anakin Skywalker Was Discovered During The Empire Era
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin Skywalker Was Discovered During The Empire Era
What If Yoda Defeated Darth Sidious in Revenge Of The Sith
Darth Theorist
What If Yoda Defeated Darth Sidious in Revenge Of The Sith
What if Padme Turned to the Dark Side After Revenge of the Sith
Darth Theorist
What if Padme Turned to the Dark Side After Revenge of the Sith
What If Mace Windu Killed Palpatine and Took His Place as Emperor
Darth Theorist
What If Mace Windu Killed Palpatine and Took His Place as Emperor
What if Freddy and Jason were Ancient Sith Experiments
Darth Theorist
What if Freddy and Jason were Ancient Sith Experiments
What if Darth Vader Went to War with Sauron and Middle Earth
Darth Theorist
What if Darth Vader Went to War with Sauron and Middle Earth
What if Revan Awakened During The Phantom Menace & Found Anakin
Darth Theorist
What if Revan Awakened During The Phantom Menace & Found Anakin
What if Anakin Became Darth Vader During The Clone Wars
Darth Theorist
What if Anakin Became Darth Vader During The Clone Wars
What if Qui-Gon Reached out to Anakin on Mustafar
Darth Theorist
What if Qui-Gon Reached out to Anakin on Mustafar
What if Luke Skywalker BECAME an Imperial Pilot
Darth Theorist
What if Luke Skywalker BECAME an Imperial Pilot
What if the Borg from Star Trek Invaded the Star Wars Galaxy
Darth Theorist
What if the Borg from Star Trek Invaded the Star Wars Galaxy
What if Darth Vader KNEW Leia Organa was his DAUGHTER
Darth Theorist
What if Darth Vader KNEW Leia Organa was his DAUGHTER