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What if Everyone KNEW Palpatine was THE Sith Lord

What if Everyone KNEW Palpatine was THE Sith Lord? Let’s explore the depths of it in the video.

Obi-Wan’s jaw falls open as he hears this claim. He can hardly believe it. Part of him wants to deny it outright. But Dooku continues to go on and unfortunately, everything he says makes sense. Far too much sense to be empty ramblings. The pieces of the puzzle start to fit together. The Senate’s inaction, the appearance of a Sith Lord, and Padme’s assassination attempts. The gears in his head begin to question everything. Who benefitted most from it?

Obi-Wan: Palpatine. The Sith Lord is Palpatine.

Dooku: You are clever, Obi-Wan. Together, we can stop him. Join me and we can avenge Qui-Gon.

Obi-Wan: No, if you have evidence then you must report it to the Jedi immediately. Whatever you might have done here, we can make amends now and bring him to justice. It isn’t too late.

Dooku: Sighs. So clever and yet so naive to see it already is. The Jedi have missed their chance. The only way to survive is by destroying Palpatine.

The Count spares him a look, one of genuine sadness. The memories of everything that happened here burn themselves into Obi-Wan’s mind and replay in his head.

But while Dooku doesn’t say a word, Obi-Wan wastes no time in informing the Jedi Council. While they are skeptical, they see this as an opportunity to end the war before it happens. A strike team accompanies Obi-Wan to confront the chancellor just as he finishes the meeting while a probe droid records everything from outside.

Palpatine: Ahh, masters. What can I do for you today?

Mace: We want answers. Why did you orchestrate this war?

Palpatine: I have no idea what you are talking about.

Obi-Wan: Do not play foolish. We were told everything. You have been working together with the Separatists for years. Make no mistake, we will get answers from you, one way or another.

Palpatine: Did Dooku tell you this? Surely you can all see he is trying to divide us, trying to draw you into this…scandal.

Mace: Scandal? Do you think the Dark Side is simply some game you can play to maintain your office? I have half a mind to cut you down now.

Palpatine: Careful, Mace. Those words you say might be construed as a threat.

Mace: No, this is!

He ignites his lightsaber and rushes forward. He steps over Palpatine’s desk and points his lightsaber at him. However, at the last second, the chancellor’s lightsaber powers up and bats it aside. As he leaps to his feet, the other Jedi ignite their weapons and surround him.

Palpatine looks around and laughs. Then, he unleashes his Force shriek that brings their advance to a halt. His lightsaber works in a blur, slashing and keeping the Jedi from closing in on them. He uses the Force to throw Agen Kolar and Adi Gallia off their feet and whirls to block Mace and Obi-Wan’s attacks.

Despite his age, he moves like a demon, his lightsaber flashing at blinding speed. The two carefully block these attacks and advance on him, Obi-Wan sliding to one side and flanking him while Mace advances, his movements slow and deliberate, but powerful to absorb each attack.

Seeing himself make no progress against the Jedi, Palpatine growls and hurls his chairs at them. The pair easily cut them down and advance, unleashing a flurry of attacks that put Palpatine on the defensive. But as Palaptine tries to block their attacks, he notices the probe droid monitoring everything and his eyes widen. He knew what needed to be done.

When the two move to swing at him, Palpatine leaps over their lightsabers. Agen Kolar and Adi Gallia get to their feet. The two try to block his path, swinging their lightsabers in a flurry of strikes that try to halt his advance. Though it slows him down, he slides through their attacks and then vanishes.

To the Jedi, it doesn’t matter as this is everything they need. With the data from the probe droid, they present it to the Senate who are stunned by this development. They immediately summon Palpatine to answer for this but receive no reply. For the next few days, the Senate searched for him until he unexpectedly shows up in the Senate Chambers.

Palpatine: I have come to address the recent claims about affiliation with Dooku.

Obi-Wan: To all the good senators of the Republic, Palpatine has betrayed our trust. He must be removed immediately.

Palpatine: Now, now. Let us not get ahead of ourselves. I am a practitioner of the Dark Side as of the Force and I have studied it since I was a boy, but there is little truth in my affiliation to Count Dooku.

Obi-Wan: Liar! Dooku said you were his master.

Palpatine: Indeed, I heard the claim as well. He told you that while you were his prisoner, he tried to turn you to his side. But ask yourself, perhaps this is simply Dooku’s attempt to turn us against each other. The CIS already has the momentum. He simply wants to cause more chaos.
#starwars #starwarswhatif #palpatine #darthsidious
