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What if Palpatine Was Secretly a Grey Jedi, NOT a Sith Lord

What if Palpatine Was Secretly a Grey Jedi, NOT a Sith Lord? Let’s explore the depths of it in the video.

Palpatine makes his way through the prison hall, heading towards the maximum security prison. Although he has permission to be there, he doesn’t want the clones or anyone else to recognize him. As he enters the cell, he approaches its lone prisoner, Count Dooku. After Anakin’s heroics on the Invisible Hand, Dooku had been captured instead of killed.

Palpatine: Greetings, my friend. I hope that they were not too rough on you.

Dooku: These accommodations are acceptable, but only if we have something to show for it. What news do you have from the outside world?

Palpatine: It appears, my friend, that both of us have been disappointed by the paths we chose. I entrusted my future to the Sith…but all this destruction. It does not sit well with me.

Dooku: All part of the plan. To achieve balance in the Force. The lives lost…they would have been lost regardless.

Palpatine: I know, I know. But there is some hope. Anakin is growing more disillusioned by the Jedi. He is close to turning.

Dooku: Then at last…balance may finally be achieved.

The two friends both look at one another. They had come from different paths. One was a Sith Apprentice and the other a Jedi Master, but both sides grew tired of their group's hypocrisy and desired to make something more, the gray Jedi. Dooku was drawn to this idea; his resentment for the Jedi’s hypocrisy has not faded, but he also sees the potential danger in the Sith’s extremes.

They had trained many apprentices in this path, Ventress, Maul, and Qui-Gon. But these never went to plan. But now a new opportunity arose with Anakin Skywalker. Though a Jedi, he never fit into the Jedi Code and had a touch of darkness in him.

Now it only became a matter of turning him. As they discuss it, Palpatine reveals his plan to subtly guide Anakin, planting seeds of doubt against the Jedi and showing him their flaws. To do so they must strike at his heart.

Palpatine has plenty of opportunities for that as the two meet up regularly to discuss the future of the Republic after the war. The chancellor skillfully steers their conversation toward possible reforms. While he starts with the Senate, Palpatine also mentions possibly trying to change the Jedi.

He talks about the Jedi’s flaws and how their potential is being squandered due to following doctrine and dogma instead of doing what is best for the Republic. Among these issues, he brings up some of their questionable practices. Anakin finds himself agreeing with that, especially as Palpatine suggests using attachment constructively instead of suppressing it.

But at the same time, Anakin is uncomfortable with it as it’s one thing for fellow Jedi to talk about this, but Palpatine is still an outsider and a politician. He is nervous at the idea of politicians taking over the Jedi Order and using it for their agenda. The Jedi Council feels the same way and worries Palpatine will not surrender his authority. They ask Anakin to keep an eye on him.

When Anakin takes on this mission, he soon begins to encounter visions in his sleep and meditation. He gets visions of Padme dying, but not in birth. Instead, she perishes through various other ways, from the stress of her work, assassination, or being killed while being caught up in a war effort.

These visions are beginning to be mixed with other things. The others are instances of the Jedi’s hesitation to act or when they let their Jedi code block their visions. Meanwhile, there are visions of people suffering in the galaxy, famine, war, and poverty that were caused in part by the CIS’s brutality but also the Jedi’s inaction. Some of these instances are even things he’s encountered personally.

Palpatine subtly positions himself as someone who truly understands Anakin’s potential. Anakin, feeling validated and understood in ways the Jedi never provided, begins to contemplate the possibility of a third path—a balance of compassion and strength, unbound by the dogma of the Jedi and the recklessness of the Sith.

But the effects are soon felt as Anakin begins to question the Jedi Order. While he admits he’s weary of Palpatine’s actions, he also talks about some of his plans to reform the Republic. Even though they are quite good, the Council is reluctant to support them, simply stating they will let the Senate decide.

They rebuke him for how he’s allowing himself to be compromised by the chancellor which changes Anakin’s tune. All he’s been hearing from the Jedi is distrust and criticism despite everything he’s done for them.

Anakin’s attitude toward the Jedi has shifted. He begins to question their decisions more openly, calling out the council on their hesitations and their unwillingness to take stronger actions.

Meanwhile, Palpatine is there to offer a helping hand. Sensing that the time is right, he offers to guide Anakin through these dark times and introduce him to an old friend.
