今天我會跟大家說下腰椎狹窄, 其實腰椎狹窄就是在我們的腰椎, 椎管因為我們年紀大韌帶開始退化,我們的骨與骨之間個距離又收窄, 原因都是因為椎間盤開始磨損和磨蝕了, 在骨與骨之間的空間距離就會拉近了, 原本有個比較大點的管道的, 但是當開始有狹窄的時候就是韌帶退化椎間盤退化和我們有骨刺就會壓住所有神經線, 所以就會引伸到很多的症狀出來 ......
Today I will talk about lumbar stenosis. Lumbar stenosis located at our lower back. The ligament inside the spinal canal is degenerated,the space between the vertebral is narrower, as intervertebral disc is thinning and degenerated,
the vertebrae will be closer to each other. The spinal canal spacing is larger,
but when stenosis is happening, the ligament and intervertebral disc degenerated and bone spur, the nerve get impinged and cause more sign and symptoms......
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18 Floor, Euro Trade Center, 13-14 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong (next to World Wide House, Exit A, MTR Central Station)
Enquiry and appointments are welcome: +852 2804 6813
#bodyperformance Stretch Trainer Bruce