Have you ever wanted to know how powerful the lovecraftian deity Shub-Niggurath actually is?
well this video is just for you then.
Link to my video on cthulhu:
• How Powerful is Cthulhu?
All of Lovecraft's stories are in the public domain so they all can be freely accessed online using this website:
If you want to verify any excerpt i showed in this video, always select "read all chapters" (if given the option) and use Ctrl + F (if in desktop) so that you can find the quotes faster.
Links to all music used in this video:
• George Michael - Careless Whisper - M... (opening song)
• Megaraptor - Mitchiri Neko March [Met... (Mitchiri Neko March)
• BIOSHOCK INFINITE: Will The Circle Be... (bioshock infinite cover)
• Linkin Park - What i've done (OST Tra... (what i've done cover)