Did not known Shub could think, that's actually quite terrifying
One of Shub's powers is to have the name and say Lovecraft's Cat's name.
What is often misunderstood is at these levels the very concept of "strength" is meaningless. Like the Lich from Adventure Time, they are beyond "strength".
She's already overpowered for having the gamer word in her name
HP Lovecraft creating names that we can't pronounce, now one that I don't dare say π
Does she give hugs, cuddles, and maybe even hold hands? If so, then I welcome her. :v
Shub-Niggurath best Waifu.
I canβt wait to see the video on Nyarlathotep probably my favorite of the Lovcraftian beings also the reason I got my interest of him was persona 2. Great video love this channel glad I found it.
Pochi is a treasure and a gift
Overlord fans: Wait, are we talking the same thing?
Surprisingly alot of the old ones and gods are stronger then cthulhu. Due to proxy and form he embodies everything HP feared the most
This is my millennial reminder that Shub-Niggurath is Chiyo in Ane Naru Mono
Excellent video as always! I'm assuming we're going to get videos for the three remaining "Other Gods" (Azathoth, Nyarlathotep and Yog-Sothoth), is that correct? If you're on a Cthulhu Mythos kick lately that's fine. I'm just wondering if there would still be more traditional mythological videos (Greek, Egyptian, Norse, Celtic, Japanese, etc.) on your channel going forward is all.
Bro saying Choob nigga wrath a million times in this video has me rolling
In all honesty out of all of the other gods you could encounter shub and yog are your best bet at survival since all the others will either end you on sight or they're nyarlathotep and gaslight you and then feed you to azathoth, also shub is a fertility god that isnt normally depicted as incredibly beautiful or a living plant so, which makes me kinda happy because its a change to the normal fertility god formula.
I wouldn't even wanna say The second part of his name itself π
Infinitely more powerful than content creators due to the insurmountable odds someone misinterprets them pronouncing the name and blasting them on Twitter.
Love your videos man and i would love to see more about lovecraft
Nyarla is going to be a very interesting one to discuss when you get to them