Dan Davis History
The First Berserkers: the Bronze Age Koryos

The berserker Viking warrior is famous but the tradition can be traced back to the early Bronze Age warband called the koryos.

The berserkers fought like madmen, in a trance-like state of fury that struck fear into the hearts of their enemies. But why did they act in this way? And why were they associated with wolves and bears?

In this video we travel back thousands of years into the history of Bronze Age Europe and find out why the youths of Indo-European cultures transformed into wolves and other animals during their rites of passage.

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Patrick Patrikios

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Video Sources

The One-eyed God: Odin and the (Indo-) Germanic Männerbünde - Kris Kershaw ➜ amzn.to/3dRk8kW
The Myth of the Eternal Return: Cosmos and History - Mircea Eliade ➜ amzn.to/2SgJmS7
Rites and Symbols of Initiation: The Mysteries of Birth and Rebirth - Mircea Eliade ➜ amzn.to/3zk1xXq
Germania - Tacitus ➜ amzn.to/3zbt0uB
The Histories - Tacitus ➜ amzn.to/3cxhUGi
The Prose Edda - Snorri Sturluson ➜ amzn.to/2TiQInY

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-- Bronze Age Warfare series --

Watch all the Bronze Age Warfare series here ➜    • Bronze Age Warfare Playlist  

Koryos ➜    • The Koryos: the Indo-European Warband...  
Trepanation ➜    • Are These Skulls Evidence of Bronze A...  
Indra's Cudgel ➜    • The 5,000-Year-Old Yamnaya Copper Club  
Thor's Hammer ➜    • The Stone Battle Axe of Neolithic Europe  
First Berserkers ➜    • The First Berserkers: the Bronze Age ...  
Army of the Dead ➜    • The Ancient Origins of Halloween | Br...  
