

***************Millions of people recommend health-preserving hot style ****************

1. Danger warning! Carcinogenic! Don't eat the five kinds of fruits that have been blacklisted!
   • 危險警告!致癌!被拉入黑名單的五種水果,千萬別吃了!  
2. Advanced cancer! Only three months left! He actually lived another 33 years with a secret recipe! "Cancer Buster" turned out to be it!
   • 癌症晚期!只剩三個月!他靠一個秘方竟然又活33年!“癌症剋星”原來是它!  
3. The 91-year-old man used 60 years to summarize! As long as you don’t eat these three foods, you will never get liver cancer in your life!
   • 91歲老人用60年時間總結!只要不吃這3種食物,這輩子都不會得肝癌!  
4. Little secret of drinking water! Drinking water and adding one thing to excrete poison for 10 years makes you beautiful and healthy
   • 喝水小秘密!喝水加一物排出10年毒   使你美麗又健康  
5. If you have long-term knee pain, please try this ancient prescription! To eradicate knee problems, making up these two points is the key!
   • 如果你長期膝蓋疼痛,請一定要嘗試這劑古方!根除膝蓋問題,補這兩處是關鍵!  
6, must pay attention to the bulge of green veins! This is a warning light for the body! Check your body quickly, it's too accurate
   • 青筋凸起一定要註意!這是身體的警告燈!趕緊對照著檢查身體,太準了  
7. At the age of 90, he defeated the disease, and at the age of 89, she stood up again! Thanks to this ancient sport!
   • 90歲的他戰勝病魔,89歲的她從新挺腰做人!多虧這項古老的運動!  
8. Not a waste! It's a life-saving! Don't eat these 8 overnight dishes, go to the kitchen and have a look!
   • 不是浪費!是保命!這8種隔夜菜千萬別吃,快去廚房看看!  
9. You can learn in a few minutes! Taoist breathing method that can strengthen your body immunity: Dantian breathing!
   • 幾分鐘就能學會!能強化你全身免疫力的道家呼吸法:丹田呼吸!  
10. Haven't been to the hospital in a lifetime? The 103-year-old man talks about the secret of longevity because he drinks a cup of tea every day!
   • 一輩子沒進過醫院? 103歲老人談長壽秘訣,只因每天喝一杯茶!  
