Mark Coles
Social media strategy for online fitness coaching brands in 2024

In this week's video, I cover the essential shift needed for online coaching success in 2024. I've seen too many fitness professionals focus solely on building an audience, missing the mark on what truly builds a coaching brand. I also mention how influencer-style marketing can work for you, but with a genuine influence and professional coaching.

What's your social media goal? Fame or impactful guidance?

Share in the comments which one out of the strategies I cover, resonates most with you or which one you plan to implement.
This not only helps you commit but also guides me on what content you need more of, and I will make sure to cover it next.

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If you're earning under 5 K or over 10 K per month, check out this link to see how we can help you - coaching-concierge.com/

Follow me on Instagram - markcolesm10

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