La Mazmorra Abandon
Popeye: The Rescue (Brilliant Digital) (Windows) [1998] [PC Longplay]

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Multipath adventures / Multipath movies:

Superman: The Menace of Metallo
Superman: Boxing the Parasite (Not released)
Superman: Bizarro Battleground (Not released)
Xena: Warrior Princess - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Xena: Warrior Princess - Death in Chains
Xena: Warrior Princess - Dreamworker (Not released)
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective - The Case of the Serial Shaver
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective - The Don is Dead (Not released)
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective - Fists of Fur (Not released)
Popeye and the Quest for the Wooly Mammoth
Popeye: The Rescue
Popeye and the Sunken Treasure
Kiss Immortals
Gravity Angels 1: Alien Discovery
Gravity Angels 2: The Betrayal
Gravity Angels 3: Payback
Gravity Angels 4: Death Force
Choose Your Own Nightmare: Bite of the Vampire
Choose Your Own Nightmare: How I Became a Freak
Choose Your Own Nightmare: Night of the Werewolf
Choose Your Own Nightmare: The Curse of the Mummy
Choose Your Own Nightmare: The Evil Pen Pal
Choose Your Own Nightmare: The Halloween Party
