The Happiest Place in the Universe #Shorts

When staring out into the darkness of space, one of the most unsettling things we could see would be a pair of eyes staring right back. So, you can imagine astronomers’ shock when they chanced upon the Smiley Face Galaxies.

These handsome cosmic chaps are the result of on Einstein Ring- the light from a galaxy in the background is being warped into an arc, by the gravity of two giant foreground elliptical galaxies which resemble eyes, surely making them the happiest places in the universe!

Learn more about this phenomenon from NASA: solarsystem.nasa.gov/resources/2200/what-caused-th…

Background Song: Short Song 011723 by Chris Zabriskie
Song: chriszabriskie.bandcamp.com/track/short-song-01172…
Artist: chriszabriskie.bandcamp.com/

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The space scenes in this video were captured using SpaceEngine Pro, a virtual universe simulator:
Get SpaceEngine on Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/314650/SpaceEngine/

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