The Saint Bernard Experience
Witness the Amazing Growth of My Saint Bernard Puppy in 2 Minutes !

My Saint Bernard puppy grew up fast, really fast. Sure a year went by just as quick as any other year but things were certainly magnified having a Saint Bernard in the house. We got Cyrus during Covid Christmas and its been an adventure to say the least.

This is a quick 2 minute video of my Saint Bernard in his first year. Years 2, 3 and 4 are much crazier so if you're a fan, stick around. If you're a Saint Bernard owner, please comment about your experience, I LOVE hearing from others. And we'd love it if you subscribed as well, nothing but smiles here and we like sharing.

Want to see what a day in the life is like for a Saint Bernard owner ? Check out my experience, unfiltered and everyday stuff with a gentle giant. Check it out here:    • My Dog Is A Saint Bernard. Here's Wha...  
