MASHLE S2 OP | FULL ENGLISH Cover 【Dangle】「 Bling-Bang-Bang-Born - Creepy Nuts 」(now on Spotify)

To the next! To the top! That's me 😎

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► ORIGINAL BY: ‪@creepy_nuts‬
   • TVアニメ「マッシュル-MASHLE-」第2期ノンクレジットOPムービー|...  

► INSTRUMENTAL BY: ‪@its_vedra‬


"Cheated", "gifted", "rough technique" "wanted"
"Taboo", "banned move", "blind spot", "unwarranted"
"Violation", "new dimension", "even out our solar system", "alien"
"There's no way", "I've never heard of it"
Ay, got all of my rivals all thinking the same
Now all of my rivals the same
"There's no way, "it's a fluke", I can't accept them"
"Really now? You're telling me it's all raw power then?"

Yep I haven't showed them all of me
But I come and watch my rivals flee
Hurdling to the top, I'm very happy
I'm the best from the rest, now obviously
I'm still evolving, can't you see? (Bling bling..)
And now step aside and watch me shine,
Cause I'm even icier than icy

Though I can't do everything
My abilities got me very happy (Oh? I pissed you off)
Speechless, when I gotchu 'round me
I'm blessed by friends and my family (happy)
"Tough spot got us all stressing?"
No prob guys just leave it to me (bang bang bang)
It's not in our books, and not in our sets,
A super bad curse? We'll see

"Mirror mirror on the wall, won't you answer me!"
"Who's the best? I'm the best!" Oh yeah
Imma go above em all, as far as I can reach
To the next! To the top! that's me
Now singin'

Bling-Bang-Bang, Bling-Bang-Bang, Bling-Bang-Bang, Born... (x3)

To the next! To the top! That's me

Everyday, just being me, just trying to reach my peak (go flex)
Everyday, don't interrupt, don't put your hands on me (don't test)
Everyday, just being me, just trying to reach my peak (go flex)
Everyday, don't interrupt, don't put your hands on me (don't test)

Yeah yeah yeah
No record at all, I'm no criminal, I just go Bling-Bling
My wit and my gall's, a sight to behold, special like Bling-Bling
Got luxury cars, no license at all, I'm rolling in green, green
Masterpiece, I got the whole planet begging
Roll my tongue like bling bling
Strapped with the bullets I shoot
Spoken through words, no filter to use, I refuse
Feeling lucky, goddess of victory, Nike, cheering me on bang-AHH
Living like a main MC, taking down everyone I meet like a shonen manga
Dripping immaculate strength, down my whole body and length
I got no ink on my whole body
I got no scars on my face, ya see?
The damage I cause repetitively
Make wrinkles appear, like annual rings
Bling-bang-bang, bling-bang-bang, bling-bang-bang born
I'm born at the peak, don't test, the best
I'm wooing my fans, from here to Japan ayy

"Mirror mirror on the wall, won't you answer me!"
"Who's the best? I'm the best!" Oh yeah
Imma go above em all, as far as I can reach
To the next! To the top! that's me
Now singin'

Bling-Bang-Bang, Bling-Bang-Bang, Bling-Bang-Bang, Born... (x3)

To the next! To the top! That's me

Everyday, just being me, just trying to reach my peak (go flex)
Everyday, don't interrupt, don't put your hands on me (don't test)
Everyday, just being me, just trying to reach my peak (go flex)
Everyday, don't interrupt, don't put your hands on me (don't test)


►DISCORD: discord.gg/UhHkGWh
►SPOTIFY: open.spotify.com/artist/3jZ50A5HPpdjBURNGeweYV?si=…
►TWITCH: www.twitch.tv/danglemusic
►PATREON: www.patreon.com/danglemusic
►TWITTER: twitter.com/DangleMeme
►INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/dangle_music/
►TIKTOK: www.tiktok.com/@danglememe?lang=en

#MASHLE #CreepyNuts #BlingBangBangBorn
