Canvas foldover bag with zipper closure - Sew Along

This is a large foldover style canvas bag with zipper closure and 4 internal pockets.
You may also find the written instructions here bit.ly/foldovercanvasbag

Finished bag measurements : 16" x 10" (when folded)

Supplies :
Fabric A : 1/2 yard
Fabric B : 1/4 yard
Lining fabric 1/2 yard
*based on 45" width of fabric

Fusible fleece 17" x 14.5" (2x) amzn.to/2LHuaqZ
Peltex 70 sew-in interfacing 11" x 3" amzn.to/32iE6xQ
Fusible woven interfacing 12" x 4" amzn.to/2HOrll1

~Zippers & Hardwares~
Purse zipper (at least 16" long) amzn.to/37Q1Lqj
All purpose zipper (for the pocket) at least 7" long amzn.to/2T6SgxK
1" d-rings (2x) amzn.to/2V7Alrk
1" swivel hooks (2x) amzn.to/31M8q2I
1" adjuster slider amzn.to/2M1S5QE

Basic sewing notions

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Fabric Cutting :
Front & Back exterior
From fabric A : 17" x 12" (cut 2x)
From fabric B : 17" x 3" (cut 2x)

Front and back lining
From lining fabric : 17" x 14.5" (cut 2x)

Bottom gusset
From Fabric B : 12" x 4" (cut 1x)
From Lining Fabric : 11" x 3" (cut 1x)

Internal slip pockets
From lining fabric : 17" x 7" (cut 2x)

Zipper pockets
From lining fabric : 10" x 9" (cut 2x)

Zipper tabs
From fabric B : 3" x 2" (cut 2x)

Strap Anchors
From fabric A : Cut 5" x 4" (cut 1x)

Cut a 4" strip measuring about 50"-60" long

Link to the zipper pocket tutorial :    • The Maker's Tote sewing tutorial - La...  


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