Taushif Shaikh
Micromax Canvas Turbo A250 KitKat 4.4.2 and Repartion Lollipop

Here is the updated link for all the latest custom roms for Micromax turbo linkshrink.net/7LTkNm

Here you will find all the links and a short description on how to do a repartition and install Kitkat 4.4.2 on Micromax Canvas Turbo A250. I assuming that you would know basic knowledge of rooting and flashing. PLEASE BEWARE, DO THIS ON YOUR OWN RISK IF NOT DONE PROPERLY YOU MAY END UP BRICKING YOUR PHONE. I am not responsible for any damage or problems.

First take a backup of your Data as this process will wipe entire phone memory and also You will loose your warranty. Again Use at your own risk

To repartition You would need SP Flash Tool v3.1316.0 and make sure all the necessary drivers for Micromax Canvas turbo A250 are installed like Mobitel on your computer

Flash Wiko Darkfull Rom V1, before flashing make sure to do a back up of IMEI and nvram and restore them after flashing the Rom

Last step to get KitKat 4.4.2 on your Micromax Canvas turbo A250 download pureXperia Z2 and flash it via CWM or TWRP

Except for SP Flash Tool v3.1316.0 you will Find all the Stock Rom and Custom Rom for the Micromax A250 on forum.xda-developers.com/canvas-turbo/general/micr…

A Big Thank you to guys over at XDA Forums

Android L, Android lollipop , Micromax android L, Android 5, Google i/o, Micromax Android 5. canvas turbo a250 android L
Android Lolipop
micromax turbo lollipop update
mtk 6589 lollipop
