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What is the Most Common Position while Sleeping during Pregnancy | Dr. Deepti Asthana

Welcome to Kalosa Gynae, where Dr. Deepti Asthana will answer one of the pregnant women's most frequently asked questions: "What is the most common position to sleep during pregnancy?".

As your body goes through various changes during pregnancy, it's important to understand the most comfortable and safe sleeping position to ensure a good night's rest. In this video, Dr. Deepti Asthana, a renowned gynaecologist, will provide expert advice on the best sleeping positions during pregnancy.

Dr. Deepti Asthana will explain why sleeping on your back should be avoided after the first trimester and how it can lead to discomfort and even harm to the baby. She will also discuss the most preferred positions, including sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees or using a pregnancy pillow for support.

Whether you're a first-time mother or have experienced pregnancy before, this video will provide valuable insights into sleeping positions during pregnancy and help you get the best possible rest during this exciting but challenging time.

Take advantage of this informative video by Dr. Deepti Asthana, and be sure to share it with your friends and family who are expecting. Remember to subscribe to our channel for more informative content on women's health and wellness.


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