Invincible, Omni Man, Allen the Alien, Thadeus, Anissa, Oliver, Debbie, Atom Eve, Invincible Season 2, Invincible Season 2 Episode 5, Invincible Universe, Invincible Villains, Invincible Season 2 Episode 6, Invincible Season 2 Episode 7, Invincible Season 2 Episode 8, Invincible Season 3, Invincible Season 3 trailer, invincible season 3 leaks, invincible season 3 release date, invincible season 3 predictions, dinosaurus vs thragg, thragg finds out the truth, grand regent thragg, invincible dinosaurus vs thragg, thragg vs dinosaurus, invincible viltrumite heritage, invincible argall, invincible argall heir, invincible argall death, invincible argall son, invincible argall vs thragg, invincible emperor argall, invincible comic argall, grand regent thragg, the other viltrumites disobey thragg, how thragg lost leadership of the viltrumite to love and affection, thragg vs omni man, omni man vs thragg, thragg vs omni man and invincible, grand regent thragg vs omni man, emperor nolan, nolan becomes emperor of the viltrumites, omni man becomes viltrumite emperor, invincible argall heir, invincible thaedus traitor, invincible thaedus reveal, viltrumite bloodline, viltrumite royal bloodline, argall skull, thaedus is a viltrumite, thaedus and argall, viltrumite heritage, viltrumite history, viltrum history, emperor nolan, nolan becomes emperor of viltrumite, omni-man becomes viltrumite emperor, entire life of omni man, viltrumites turn on thragg, how thragg lost leadership of the viltrumite to love and affection, thragg exile, thragg vs battle beast, allen sends battle beast after thragg
In Invincible Nolan rightfully claims his place as leader of the Viltrumites and needs to decide on what to do with the former grand regent
Thragg is imprisoned on the Viltrumite ship and claims their people will never follow someone so weak in body and spirit
Nolan disagrees and is optimistic that they can change their ways but Thragg is adamant that Nolan needs to end him or the Viltrumites will turn on him
Nolan still refuses and truly plans to usher in a new era for his people, starting with Thragg’s punishment
The Viltrumites gather on the ship to witness the fate of former grand regent Thragg as he is brought in chains in front of the people
Thragg wonders if Nolan finally found the courage to do what needs to be done but Nolan wants the new empire to be built on peace and coexistence, releasing Thragg from his shackles and sentencing him to exile so that he may witness the resurgence of their great empire in due time
The former grand regent leaves the ship and flies into the abyss of space, and we wonder if Nolan made the right decision
Later Nolan updates Allen on everything that has transpired, including the fact that they let Thragg go, which infuriates Allen as he makes his own plans to find and destroy the former grand regent for good
INVINCIBLE is an adult animated superhero series that revolves around 17-year-old Mark Grayson, who’s just like every other guy his age — except his father is the most powerful superhero on the planet, Omni-Man. But as Mark develops powers of his own, he discovers his father’s legacy may not be as heroic as it seems.
After an earth-shattering betrayal, Mark fights to rebuild his life. In the face of apocalyptic threats, he discovers new allies and wrestles with his greatest fear - that he might become his father.
In this special prequel episode, Samantha Eve Wilkins, aka Atom Eve, grows up out of place in her own family. When someone from her past re-enters her life, she discovers her tragic backstory and the origin and true potential of her powers.
Rex Splode, Robot, Monster Girl, Cecil Stedman, Thragg, Battle Beast, Conquest, Invincible Angstrom Levy, Allen the Alien, Invincible Season 1, Invincible Season 2, Invincible Season 2 Part 1, Invincible Season 2 Part 2, Comic Books, Evil Mark Invincible, Invincible Multiverse, Mark Grayson, Invincible Blue Suit, Robert Kirkman, Comics Explained, invincible season 2 reaction, invincible season 2 explained
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