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How Hookup Culture Brainwashes You

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#hookupculture #loneliness #selfimprovement

The Power Of Lust: 0:00
My Horrible Experience With Hookup Culture: 0:38
The Pressure To Hookup: 5:44
The Origins: No More Marriage: 6:13
The Origins: The Media: 7:27
Hookup Culture's Brainwashing: 9:14
Shortform: 10:53
The Pros Of Hookup Culture: 12:16
The Cons Of Hookup Culture: 16:21
What's The Solution To Hookup Culture?: 20:40
A Message To All Virgins: 24:09
Why Everyone Is Lonelier Than Ever: 25:19

Topics: Why hookup culture is toxic, how to overcome lust, red pill, why hookups
