Receive Reiki and release old thought patterns and any other blocks and beliefs that have limited your financial gain and security. Reiki can help us create healthier thought patterns because thoughts are energy. You possess the conscious power to change your thoughts and achieve new possibilities. So, combine Reiki with your power of mind to improve your results!
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Most people have limiting beliefs that prevent financial goals from being realized.
Try this 💜 Reflect upon the common limiting beliefs listed below. Do you resonate with any of them, even just a little bit? If so, intend to let them go as you receive the Reiki in this session. If you catch yourself thinking these or similar limiting beliefs in the future, replay the video and keep releasing. With your openness to change along with Reiki, great improvement is possible.
1. Believing that ‘money is the root of all evil’ can lead to feelings of guilt or shame about wanting to accumulate wealth. It is especially limiting to those who view themselves as spiritual or religious. That is because those who strive to be ‘good’ sometimes feel they can’t want or have money because it is ‘bad’.
2. When one believes they ‘don't deserve to be rich’ they often feel as though they are not worthy of financial success or that they are somehow flawed or inadequate. This can lead to self-sabotage and prevent individuals from taking action towards their financial goals.
3. The belief that ‘money is scarce’ or ‘there isn’t enough’ perpetuates feelings of scarcity and prevents individuals from pursuing financial opportunities.
Explore your patterns and observe your thoughts to uncover additional limiting beliefs you may have in this area. By becoming aware, you can make new decisions and keep receiving Reiki which always helps us move forward.
🔮 Crystals to help you in your healing on this issue:
Amethyst, Amazonite, Bloodstone, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Green Aventurine, Green Jade, Malachite, Moldavite, Moss Agate, Peridot, Pyrite, Ruby and Tiger’s Eye
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Music Licensed by Soundstripe: Beam of Light by Caleb Etheridge
Content ID Clear Code: FOETT9J2MLVIHKZE
This video is not a substitute for seeking professional medical care but is offered for relaxation and stress reduction which support the body’s natural healing capabilities. Reiki is a complement to and never a replacement for professional medical