This perfect beauty can be used with any desired beauty subliminals. ( this wont clash with any beauty subs) it will enhance all of it and make it more proportioned and perfect
*sphenoid bone perfectly beautiful *Perfect lateral plate *perfect foramen spinosum *Perfect Lacrimal bone *Mandible bone that is forward and perfect *Maxilla forward and upward *Nasal bones correction and fixes it to make it beautiful and perfect *higher cheekbones *perfect forhead *beautiful healthy vertebrae bone *healthy spine *beautiful feets *beautiful big ideal booty that fit you *Palatine bone that matches your perfect ideal beauty *Vomer bone extremely beautiful and healthy *Zygomatic bone pull forward and perfectly proportioned *correct tongue posture *healthy mouth *nose that is beautiful and healthy *easy breathing *healthy throat/ nose / eyes / ears *extremely sexy plumpy lips *have the most exotic vermillion border *oral commissures that is very beautiful and divine *correct body posture. *perfect eyebrows Thick and dark *beautiful hair *perfect teeth Straight and white *perfect nails Long and strong *smells like fruity fresh ( added my fruity body scent affirmations) *be adored. Loved. Cared. By many.
All of my subliminals are safe
Can be heard without headphones