TV that doesn't require you to pay NHK reception fees↓
This channel focuses on Takashi Tachibana's past career,
and personally edits videos to make them easier to understand.
0:00 About Prefectural Assemblyman Masuyama's "Dynamic Association"
1:29 Why we're inviting Prefectural Assemblyman Masuyama
6:01 How can "Dynamic Association" gain a majority?
▼How to avoid paying reception fees! Please send me an invoice!
• NHKの受信料を払いたくない皆さん!請求書をNHK党に送ってくれたら、我々...
Tachibana Takashi's channel↓
/ @chnhk6055
#TachibanaTakashi #TachibanaTakashiCutout #NHKParty