DEAR CHILD (2023) Ending Explained | Spoiler Breakdown, Reaction & Review | NETFLIX Thriller Series. We breakdown and explain the latest Netflix psychological thriller miniseries DEAR CHILD based on the 2019 best selling novel by the same name. We talk about and breakdown the story, ending, novel to series differences & comparisons, and our reaction & review of this latest Netflix psychological thriller miniseries DEAR CHILD based on the 2019 best selling novel by the same name starring Kim Riedle, Naila Schuberth, Sammy Schrein, Hans Löw, Haley Louise Jones, Justus von Dohnányi & MORE!
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“Ohhh child, things will get brighter. Bring it down hard!”
What's going on everyone, JBuck here, and we’re gonna be breaking down everything in Netflix’s latest psychological thriller miniseries, DEAR CHILD. Full story spoilers, the twist and turn ending, a few comparisons to the novel it’s based on, and of course our reaction and review of this latest Gone Girl meets Room meets Orphan Netflix series.
Thank you so much for clicking this, let me see your hands, as we get into Netflix’s latest psychological thriller miniseries, DEAR CHILD.
So Dear Child is based on the novel of the same name, which I’ll give you a heads up now, is drastically different from this series and I’ll touch on some of those differences later, but the Netflix miniseries opens with a woman, young girl, and boy living in an enclosed building, feels very much like a fallout bunker, while a man counts his steps to where they’re at, and checks their hands in some sort of “greeting ritual.”
But in a quick flash, the same scared woman is running from the building, into the nearby forest, and is hit by a car as she screams for them to stop. She’s now in an ambulance with the same young girl from earlier, as we can assume they are mother and daughter, and the pair are taken to the hospital. At the hospital, these two are revealed to be Lena and Hannah, which kicks off several things. Obviously a police investigation into the hit and run, complications with Lena because Hannah told the nurses Lena’s blood type was AB negative, however it was not, and a middle aged detective, Gerd, reads the description of the woman caught in the hit and run, calling two older people, who we find out are Mathias and Karin. These two are a bit frantic by Gerd’s call, as we discover later their daughter was abducted 13 years ago, and the “Lena” in the hospital matches her description perfectly.
Everyone rushes down there for answers, but this Lena is not their “Lena”, causing a scene at the hospital, and honestly more questions than answers. However the biggest shocker is when Mathias and Karin see the young girl, Hannah. They both break down calling her Lena, because Hannah looks identical to their Lena at that age. But how can this be? Hannah is the daughter to the “Lena” that they claim is not their daughter?
This video contains JBuck Studios DEAR CHILD (2023) Ending Explained | Spoiler Breakdown, Reaction & Review | NETFLIX Thriller Series /// DEAR CHILD Spoiler Breakdown Reaction /// DEAR CHILD Netflix Thriller Series to Novel Comparison Spoiler Review
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