Hey everyone, this is a bit of a different video for me as i share the time i got sick on a flight attendant layover in launcestan. I lost my voice and my doctor didn't give me clearance to fly home so i had to spend an extra couple of days recovering. i hope you enjoy this video, also let me know if you like this AMSR style of video xx
r e l a t e d :
flight attendant playlist: • FLIGHT ATTENDANT VLOGS 2023
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amazon storefront: www.amazon.com/shop/brieanayoung
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BRIEANAY30 for 30% off Oodie: theoodie.com/
BRIEANAYOUNG for 15% off Mermade Hair Waver: mermadehair.com/r?id=5d183i
TTBRIEANAYOUNG for 10% off TwoTags: www.twotags.com.au/
s t a y i n t o u c h :
email: brieanay@gmail.com
instagram: @brieana.young
tik tok: www.tiktok.com/@brieana.young
#flightattendantlife #cabincrew #australianyoutuber