Do you like luxury? The English, It’s safe to say, probably adore it. It is possible to draw such conclusion if you look at their automobile concerns. Wherever you look, you see a luxury car brand. Bentley, Aston Martin, Rolls-Royce and the subject of our discussion today represent such elite in the automobile market. Maybe there is a lucky owner of such car among you? If so, tell us your business schemes in the comments, because you, by all appearances, are a big businessman and if not a millionaire, then at least close to it. Okay, we are joking, of course. But joking doesn't make the price of English stamps any lower. Anyway, never mind. Today, we will tell the story of the brand that can be driven in the desert, in deep mud, and maybe even on the water. And through the shit all over the place, okay. It is Land-Rover, one of the most known manufacturers of automobiles - off-roaders. It is possible to tell about its history: it appeared in that time and in that place. It is the story of how a bright idea gave start to one of the most respected brands in the history of automotive engineering. This is the story of absolutely unexpected success and, as it is not difficult to guess, equally unexpected failure. Though, Land-Rover has not failed, but its parent company has ceased to exist at all. It is necessary to remember, that the history is moved by the conflict; it is not interesting without it. Would we tell you boring stories? You already know the answer. We'll tell you how someone else's car can give you the idea to create about the same thing, but only better. And we'll tell you how the story of a giant copying of an old car ended.
#car #ooonce #landrover