It is often said that a father doesn’t tell you that he loves you - he shows you. This Father’s Day, we are celebrating dads who’ve shown that love has no boundaries and doesn’t come with pre-conditions. They’ve embraced and empowered their queer kids and shown other parents how to do the same.
As drag queen and queer icon Sushant Divgikr aka Rani KoHEnur (@sushantdivgikr) says, everyone can be a father but not all of them can be dads. Sushant’s father Pradeep Divgikr laid out the red carpet for her when she chose to come out to him and since then, he’s been her loudest cheerleader and celebrated all her personas. It is fathers like Pradeep Divgikr who show us what unconditional love looks like.
Tale a look at a touching conversation between the loving duo.
#FathersDay #PrideMonth #DragQueen