➤ Purchase my self help ebook "The Middle Way" for a chance to win a signed physical copy : seasonedtofu.com/books/p/themiddleway-ebook
➤Buy the book on Amazon (unsigned paperback version): geni.us/POKRBU (Amazon)
You're being way too damn hard on yourself.
Get exclusive content/1 on 1 sessions: patreon.com/colehastings
➤Coaching Plans: seasonedtofu.com/coaching
#hardonyourself #imsohardonmyself #toohardonyourself
𝙎𝙪𝙗𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙗𝙚: bit.ly/2qiessH
Free Guided Meditation Resources:
• Daily Calm | 10 Minute Mindfulness Me...
• A Guided Meditation on the Body, Spac...
• Guided Meditation for Positive Energy...
Also the apps "Headspace" and "Calm" are really good for it too.
Instagram: instagram.com/seasoned_tofu
Twitter: twitter.com/seasoned_tofu
Twitch: twitch.tv/seasoned_tofu
Podcast: seasonedtofu.com/podcast
Discord: discord.com/invite/U77GaSZ
What Happens To Many Of You: 0:00
You're All Way Too Hard On Yourselves: 2:18
The First Thing I Realized: 2:44
How I Transformed This: 5:19
The Second Thing I Realized: 7:44
How I Transformed This: 8:54
A Big Announcement: 10:49
𝙈𝙮 𝙂𝙚𝙖𝙧
Camera: geni.us/Q2XQS (Amazon)
All In One Lens (B-Roll): geni.us/1sfukDo (Amazon)
Low Light/Blurry Background Lens: geni.us/cTrA (Amazon)
Camera Microphone: geni.us/GyLNQi (Amazon)
Nice Microphone (for sit down videos): geni.us/NkCkn3 (Amazon)
Tripod: geni.us/tkn0QlQ (Amazon)
Hey, I'm Cole Hastings. I'm a vegan athlete/content creator with a passion for videography/video editing, among other things. I try to help people through sharing my experiences and evolution through life.
stop being hard on yourself motivation, how to stop being hard on yourself, im too hard on myself, im so hard on myself, how do i stop being so hard on myself, why do i hate myself, i hate myself, how to stop hating yourself, dont be so har