The Dark Trio are now animated! Also this song got me hooked literally in the first 3 seconds of hearing it! 💥
►ORIGINAL BY: @millenniumparadeofficial
• ꉈꀧ꒒꒒ꁄꍈꍈꀧ꒦ꉈ ꉣꅔꎡꅔꁕꁄ × 椎名林檎 - W●RK
►INSTRUMENTAL BY: @JonatanKing @DMeletis
• Work Instrumental · OP 1 · HELL'S PAR...
• Hells Paradise Opening [Work] - Instr...
Fate's ever-changing
I'll be sure to erase it all
Cause nothing is certain
When life is nothing but talk
Trust in your instincts
And forget what the rumors said
I'll end what I started
So I can see what's ahead
Five empty bodies on the floor
They celebrate and beg for more
I'd share my name with you but do you want it though?
No need for planning when I'm stuck
When all I need to win is luck
Show you what's on my mind. The thoughts that I'm thinking of
Heads up! We're stuck inside a cruel cycle
Nonstop, like rats we're working double trouble
Wake up Bankers! Pay back! Yo! Oh no!
One verse. One punch. Go
Answer our fantasy world
Stand up my fave people
Please forgive me, for all the crimes I may commit
Oh you can judge me, a man of virtue or of sins
Or will you guide me? If I made a plead that I would save
The lovely sight of a world divine,
Only seen from your eyes my love of mine
Live in the present
For tomorrow's a day away
Don't think of the future,
Cause we could die here today
Life could be empty
It could be gone when you blink your eye
Rejoice in your heartbeat
Cause now you're really living your life
#hellsparadise #work #millenniumparade