This month's catches from the East Coast Main Trunk featured DSG 3127 dead-in-tow on Train 496, as well as two trains carrying some of KiwiRail's brand-new containers with fancy artwork on them.
I didn't film as many local trains as I did in September, and this time around, I decided to do a combined bus-spotting and railfanning compilation. The regular Bayhopper services are run by diesel Enviro 200s (built between 2012 and 2014), supplemented by five battery-electric Enviro 200s (built in 2019). The electrics were delivered new to Tauranga, while the diesels were transferred from Auckland and Wellington in 2018.
I've also been seeing a couple of Wright Streetlites round here too. They don't run the Tauranga suburban services, but rather, thrice-daily trips up to Omokoroa and Kati-Kati.