Nikujaga is a national dish loved by people of all ages, from children to adults.
Murata Yoshihiro, the third-generation owner of Kikunoi, has taught us how to make it easily and without much effort.
Learn from Kikunoi's owner Murata, "How to cook at home using vegetables" #18
A cooking channel run by Cooking Kingdom where you can learn the knowledge and tips to make delicious food from professional chefs.
0:00 Opening
1:03 Preparing the potatoes
2:00 Preparing the onions
2:39 Making the mixture
3:04 Cooking the meat and potatoes in a frying pan
6:00 Finished plating
6:38 Recipe summary
6:58 Store information
Potatoes 300g
Beef 150g
Onions 150g
Green beans 8 stalks
Water 360cc
Koikuchi soy sauce 45cc
Mirin 45cc
Shichimi Appropriate amount
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◇Kikunoi Main store
459 Shimokawaracho, Shimokawara-dori Yasaka-torii-sagaru, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto
Lunch: 12:00-12:30
Dinner: 17:00-19:30
↓Google Map↓
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Cuisine Kingdom Cooking Studio FOOVER
Cuisine Kingdom
Cuisine Kingdom Cooking Studio FOOVER
#Kikunoi #Japanese cuisine #Nikujaga