ANIMAL MOVEMENTS by Leslie Tryon | POEM OF THE WEEK read aloud for kids by Miss Ellis #poemoftheweek
Animal Movements is a gorgeous poem for children, the author of this poem is Leslie Tryon and is read aloud by Miss Ellis. Poem of the week is a great way to emerge your child/children into poetry and it also helps to learn new vocabulary. New poems are added every week.
#poemsforkids #kidspoetry #childrenspoetry
🤩 To watch all of the poems featured in 'Poem of the Week' please click on the link below: • 📝 POEM OF THE WEEK 📝 🤩
🤓 There are so many reasons why poetry is important for children to hear and learn. Below are just a few of the reasons. 🤓
🧐 Poetry helps children develop their memory and brain power. Poetry encourages children to play with language and words. When reading poetry, they hear how words can be moved and stretched to rhyme, and when they write poetry, they're doing the same! 🧐
☺️ Children with a good awareness of rhyme and rhyming skills tend to become better readers and spellers. A focus on rhyme helps them look at patterns within words and how they are formed, supporting word recognition and spelling. ☺️
😲 Poetry supports the development of children’s emotional literacy. They can learn to manage and reflect on their emotions, feelings and behaviour through drawing on experiences they hear about in poems shared. 😲
🤗 When they write their own poetry, they can give form and significance to a particular event or feeling that was important to them, and communicate it to the reader or to the listener. 🤗
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❓Did you know Miss Ellis also posts educational videos on her channel Love 2 Learn with Miss Ellis? Check it out by clicking on the link below:
/ @love2learn
This poem is for educational use only. Please support the author by buying one of their books if available.
Text is not owned by me. If you are the author/publisher of the poem and would like the poem taken down please send me an email at: and I will remove the