If you like old cars, trucks, and automobilia, be sure to check out all of my other videos! Please subscribe so you can keep up with the new videos as I post them!
If you have questions about vehicles or parts, the only way to get a hold of me is to call me, 8 AM-8 PM CST, no texts, no e-mails, no messenger, no smoke signals, calls only. 620-786-4428
If I don’t answer, I’m probably on the phone with someone else and if you don’t leave me a message, I just assume you're another telemarketer trying to sell me an extended warranty! LOL!
I am not open to the public, so if you show up without calling and making an appointment, don't expect me to be available.
If you comment, message, text, e-mail, etc., don't expect me to find it and don't expect an answer. Thanks for watching, Chad 620-786-4428