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Understanding Neck Pain: Causes, Prevention & Simple Steps for Long-Term Relief

Neck pain is a common condition that can result from poor posture, muscle strain, injury, or underlying medical conditions like arthritis or herniated discs. It often causes stiffness, reduced mobility, and discomfort, sometimes radiating to the shoulders or arms. Prolonged screen time, stress, and sleeping in awkward positions can worsen symptoms. Treatments include rest, gentle stretching, heat or cold therapy, and over-the-counter pain relievers. 

Join the PACE Hospitals Podcast with Dr. Raghuram, Orthopaedic Consultant, Trauma, Shoulder and Knee Arthroscopic Surgeon, Hip and Knee Joint Replacement Specialist at PACE Hospitals, Hitech City, Hyderabad, India. To understand the early signs and symptoms of neck pain for timely intervention, the complications of untreated neck pain, and the latest treatment modalities and preventive measures for different causes of neck pain 

👉 Chapters of Neck Pain Podcast
01:01 మెడ నొప్పికి సాధారణ కారణాలు ఏమిటి?
02:15 పడుకునే విధానం మెడ నొప్పిని ప్రభావితం చేస్తుందా?
03:21 మెడ నొప్పి భుజానికి వ్యాపించడం సాధారణమేనా?
04:29 మెడ నొప్పి వెన్నుపాము సమస్యకు సంకేతమా?
05:34 మెడ నొప్పి కోసం ఆర్థోపెడిక్ వైద్యుడిని ఎప్పుడు కలవాలి?
06:41 మెడ నొప్పిని ఎలా నివారించవచ్చు?
09:00 మెడ నొప్పి దీర్ఘకాలిక వైకల్యానికి దారితీస్తుందా?
10:20 మెడ నొప్పి నిర్ధారించడానికి ఎలాంటి రోగనిర్ధారణ పరీక్షలు ఉపయోగించబడతాయి?
11:50 మెడ నొప్పికి చికిత్స ఏమిటి?

👉 Dr. Raghuram | Orthopaedic Consultant, Trauma, Shoulder and Knee Arthroscopic Surgeon, Hip and Knee Joint Replacement Specialist at PACE Hospitals, Hyderabad, India: www.pacehospital.com/dr-raghuram

👉 Best Orthopaedic Hospital in Hyderabad, India: www.pacehospital.com/orthopaedics

👉 Team of Top Orthopedic Doctors and Sports Injury Specialists in Hyderabad: www.pacehospital.com/orthopaedic-doctors

👉 Best Hospitals in Hitech City, Hyderabad, India: goo.gl/maps/EntycHpNFEDNh9U49?entry=yt

#NeckPainpodcast #NeckPain #ChronicPain #PostureMatters #SpineHealth #PainRelief #PhysicalTherapy #MassageTherapy #NeckStiffness #Healthpodcast #Healthcare #Health #wellness #Wellnesspodcast #Digitalhealth #CervicalPain #BackPain #HeadacheRelief #Ergonomics #StretchingExercises #YogaForPain #HerniatedDisc #ArthritisPain #MuscleStrain #TensionHeadache #Wellness #SelfCare #PainManagement #Physiotherapy #PostureCorrection #StressRelief #MedicalAdvice #SpinalHealth #TriggerPoints #NeckInjury #WorkplaceWellness #Mobility #NeckSupport #SleepHealth #PainFreeLiving #DeepTissueMassage #ExerciseForHealth #HolisticHealth #MindBodyWellness #HealthyLiving #OrthoCare #StayActive #Orthopaedicpodcast #Orthopaedict #pacehospitalspodcast #pacehospitals #Hyderabad #India

PACE Hospitals
Hitec City and Madinaguda,
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
T: 04048486868

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Related: Neck Pain podcast, Neck Pain, Chronic Pain, Posture Matters, Spine Health, Pain Relief, Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy, Neck Stiffness, Health podcast, Healthcare, Health, Wellness, Wellness podcast, Digital Health, Cervical Pain, Back Pain, Headache Relief, Ergonomics, Stretching Exercises, Yoga for Pain, Herniated Disc, Arthritis Pain, Muscle Strain, Tension Headache, Self-Care, Pain Management, Physiotherapy, Posture Correction, Stress Relief, Medical Advice, Spinal Health, Trigger Points, Neck Injury, Workplace Wellness, Mobility, Neck Support, Sleep Health, Pain-Free Living, Deep Tissue Massage, Exercise for Health, Holistic Health, Mind-Body Wellness, Healthy Living, Ortho Care, Stay Active, Orthopaedic podcast, Orthopaedic, Pace Hospitals podcast, Pace Hospitals, Hyderabad, I
