On this week’s episode of Gay Men Going Deeper, we're diving into how to build trust in relationships. If you struggle with trust issues in your relationships then this episode might offer you insight. Our intention for the episode is that you gain more clarity around any barriers you might have to trusting people, and what may be required for you to build trust with someone. We also dive into our experiences with trying to rebuild trust after it has been broken in a relationship.
Some of the questions we’ll be discussing are:
🤝What is important for you to get to know someone?
🤝What makes it hard for you to build trust in relationships?
🤝What is required for you to build trust with someone?
🤝Have you ever had your trust broken? What did it take for you to rebuild trust?
Come spend an hour with Matt and Michael as they share their raw and real stories of distrust and how they have learned to begin trusting again after betrayal.
Today's Hosts:
◾Matt Landsiedel
Website - www.mattlandsiedel.com/
Instagram - www.instagram.com/inspiredtobeauthentic
◾Michael Diiorio
Website - www.wellismo.com/
Instagram - www.instagram.com/wellismo_coach
📚 ONLINE LEARNING: Gay Men Going Deeper Coaching Collection: www.gaymensbrotherhood.com/gaymengoingdeeper/
🎉 FACEBOOK GROUP: www.facebook.com/groups/gaymensbrotherhood
♥️ ATTACHENT STYLE QUIZ: Get your free report delivered to your inbox: www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/62851d14697a640018d…
ℹ️ ABOUT: Gay Men Going Deeper is a podcast and YouTube channel about personal development, mental health and sexuality.
MATT LANDSIEDEL - www.mattlandsiedel.com/
MICHAEL DIIORIO - www.wellismo.com/
RENO JOHNSTON - itjustgotreno.com/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/gaymensbrotherhood
Twitter: twitter.com/brotherhood_gay
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@gaymengoingdeeper
Website: www.gaymensbrotherhood.com/
This is a conscious community for gay men to connect with each other on the journey of healing from shame and becoming more authentic and aligned to their truth. We aim to offer inspiration, support, connection, healing, and a safe space to show up just as you are. Our vision for the members is to learn to feel more comfortable showing up vulnerably so deeper intimacy can be established in our community. We dream of a gay community where everyone can feel more connected to one another in more ways than just superficial and we can feel less lonely and have deeper connections to one another.
► Join 1000's of gay men in building a supportive community: gay-mens-brotherhood.ck.page/keepmeupdated