Watch episode 500 of the Elif series with english subtitles.
Yusuf can’t understand Arzu got away. Yusuf’s lawyer friend Orhan tells him more about Arzu’s past. Now Yusuf understands that Arzu is trying to harm Melek and Elif because she thinks Melek is responsible for her daughter Tugce’s death.
Arzu sees the article about Doruklar Company’s rise on the newspaper as she was having breakfast with Umit. She is furious because she thinks Gonca is using the money Arzu deserves. So she goes to the company with Umit to talk to Gonca. Arzu has legal rights on the company so she wants Gonca to sign some documents but Gonca doesn’t want that.
As Gonca and Arzu are fighting over the documents, Umit comes. He wants to know who is running the Doruklar Company. When he comes, he sees Gonca at the door. By chance, Umit and Arzu go out undetected by Selim.
Selim asks Gonca about Umit. Gonca tells him that he doesn’t know anyone with the name Umit. After Selim leaves, Gonca tells Erkut that now they hold the high ground. She now thinks that if Arzu asks for the signature again, she can blackmail Arzu and Umit. Gonca understands that Umit is afraid of being compromised.
Ayla, the girl Veysel and Tulay set for Murat is now trying to get closer to him. Murat still doesn’t want to be in a relationship with Ayla but she is determined to marry him.
The kids who threaten Elif and Taylan lock Taylan into the storage room. Elif hears the bullies talking about Taylan and the storage room. She saves Taylan.
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