甘香虎皮鸡蛋 | 舅舅独家食谱,最亲切感的南洋风味,鸡蛋又香又弹牙,超好吃 …… | Fried Eggs With Black Pepper
◆ Ingredients 材料 ◆
6 Eggs 鸡蛋
100g Onion 洋葱
2 Pips Garlics 蒜瓣
*2 tsp Coriander Powder 芫荽粉
*2 tsp Fennel Powder 大茴香粉
*¼ tsp Turmeric Powder 黄姜粉
2 tbsp Water 清水
15g Ginger 生姜片
3 Dried Chilies 辣椒干
1 Stalk Curry Leaves 咖喱叶
1 tbsp Black Pepper 黑胡椒粉
80ml Water 清水
½ tsp Salt 盐
1 tsp Sugar 白糖
炸菜饼 | 传统家乡味,趁热享用,香脆可口,想吃的朋友快跟着做起来… | Crispy Fried Vegetable Fritters
◆ Ingredients 食材 ◆
250g Self Raising Flour 自发面粉
70g Rice Flour 粘米粉
1 Egg 鸡蛋
270ml Water 清水
100g Onion 洋葱
2 Red Chilies 红辣椒
200g Fresh Prawns 鲜虾
50g Chinese Celery 芹菜
150g Bean Sprouts 豆芽菜
◆ Seasoning 调味料◆
1 tsp Pepper 胡椒粉
½ tsp Salt 盐
1 tbsp Sugar 白糖
2 tbsp Fish Sauce 鱼露
1 tsp Cooking Oil 食用油
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