Travel across Galaxy Centaurus A on the bridge of an alien starship! Witness brilliant comets, nebula clouds and supersuns blaze across deep space!
Enjoy over 2 hours traveling at the trans speed of light. Engage aft thrusters from the deck of an advanced explorer class star cruiser and speed past dense neutrino clusters and spectacular red giants that appear in front of the interstellar alien starship.
“Starfield – Journey Through Space” is your exclusive ticket to leave earth and this solar system behind…and jump into trans lightspeed for a spectacular 2 hour journey across the far distant Centaurus A galaxy (NGC 5128)! Reservations fill up fast, so book now!
Disclaimer: Universal Restrictions and the laws of physics may vary in some quadrants of the Galaxy. Frequent flier light year mileage points are redeemable where valid. Return voyages are not guaranteed. Outer space pre-conditions may apply. Alien customs and interstellar border crossing visas and appropriate trans-dimensional clearances may be needed, check with your local star federation for more info.
No refunds for adverse reactions to space sickness, alien cuisine, unusual planetary bio-cultures, subspace interference, accidental black hole immersion, event horizons, red giant collisions, time-space anomalies, sudden molecular displacement, unavoidable neutrino bursts, malfunctioning alien interfaces, and all other unexplainable galactic side effects and or transformative spacial phenomenon. Oxygen and protein pills are included, supplemental supplies may be purchased at extra cost while they last.
Galactic Travel at your own risk. By entering this quadrant of sub-space transport, Starship Passenger agrees to all terms and interplanetary regulations, and subject to all interstellar disputes and space travel refunds adjudicated by Galactic Imperial Star Council located on Messier 83,561 Superluminal Milky Way, Cygnus A Quadrant.
"Nama-space" Interstellar Travelers!
Music and Video by Milos Kuhlman
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