• Republic Commando Theme (Vode An) x C...
• Star Wars: Jedi Temple March x Imperi...
• The Clone Theme | EPIC VERSION (The C...
♫ Star Wars EPIC PLAYLIST: bit.ly/3CIWNM5
🎧 Listen to My Music Here:
Spotify: spoti.fi/3gXOjc3
Apple Music/iTunes: apple.co/2U6tCRU
Deezer: bit.ly/35QzJN4
Subscribe to my channel: bit.ly/3vTQOjz
Follow my Social Media!
Twitter: twitter.com/yurikrutikov
Instagram: www.instagram.com/yurikrutikov
All copyright belongs to their respective owners.
Original Separatist Droid & Clone Army March - John Williams
Jedi Temple / Order 66 - John Williams
Arranged and Orchestrated - Yuri Krutikov
Title Art - Pablo Olivera
Arts - Joazzz, Andreas Bazylewski
#droidarmymarchtheme #droidarmytheme #droidtheme #droidarmytheme #separatisdroidarmymarch #jeditemplemarch #jeditemplemarchmusic #order66theme #clonearmymarch
DO NOT RE-UPLOAD my cover music on YouTube or other platforms.
IT IS PROHIBITED to illegally distribute my music on streaming platforms.
Reuploading to YouTube using other artwork
Making extended 1-10hr mixes on YouTube
Making Remixes and Mashups (Hip Hop, Lofi, Electronic, Orchestral, etc.)
Podcasts (Spotify/Apple Podcast, etc.)
You can use my arrangements in your YouTube videos as background music. (You can’t just re-upload my compositions to YouTube and other platforms). But remember some of them are protected by Content ID.
Please make sure to credit my YouTube channel in your description if you use my music in your project: youtube.com/c/krutikovmusic