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One of the leading interpretations of quantum theory is that every probabilistic event leads to a branching of reality, where all possibilities occur. This "many worlds" interpretation has been growing in prominence, but it implies a bizarre consequence. It might mean that you can never die, and will continue to survive not only life threatening events but even old age. Join us today as we explore the extraordinary idea of quantum immortality.
Written & presented by Prof. David Kipping. Edited by Jorge Casas.
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THANK-YOU to T. Widdowson, D. Smith, L. Sanborn, C. Bottaccini, D. Daughaday, S. Brownlee, E. West, T. Zajonc, A. De Vaal, M. Elliott, B. Daniluk, S. Vystoropskyi, S. Lee, Z. Danielson, C. Fitzgerald, C. Souter, M. Gillette, T. Jeffcoat, J. Rockett, D. Murphree, M. Sanford, T. Donkin, A. Schoen, K. Dabrowski, R. Ramezankhani, J. Armstrong, S. Marks, B. Smith, J. Kruger, S. Applegate, E. Zahnle, N. Gebben, J. Bergman, C. Macdonald, M. Hedlund, P. Kaup, W. Evans, N. Corwin, K. Howard, L. Deacon, G. Metts, R. Provost, G. Fullwood, N. De Haan, R. Williams, E. Garland, R. Lovely, A. Cornejo, D. Compos, F. Demopoulos, G. Bylinsky, J. Werner, S. Thayer, T. Edris, F. Blood, M. O'Brien, D. Lee, J. Sargent, M. Czirr, F. Krotzer, I. Williams, J. Sattler, B. Reese, O. Shabtay, X. Yao, S. Saverys, A. Nimmerjahn, C. Seay, D. Johnson, L. Cunningham, M. Morrow, M. Campbell, B. Devermont, Y. Muheim, A. Stark, C. Caminero, P. Borisoff, A. Donovan, H. Schiff, J. Cos, J. Oliver, B. Kite, C. Hansen, J. Shamp, R. Chaffee, A. Ortiz, B. McMillan, B. Cartmell, J. Bryant, J. Obioma, M. Zeiler, S. Murray, S. Patterson, C. Kennedy, G. Le Saint, W. Ruf, A. Kochkov, B. Langley, D. Ohman, P. Stevenson, T. Ford, T. Tarrants, A. Laroye, I. Venzor, R. Raszka, B. Gaalen, A. Taylor, D. Wedgewood, J. Alley, D. Aron & G. Thomsen.
Tegmark, Max (1998), "The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: Many Worlds or Many Words?", Fortsch. Phys. 46, 855-862:
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0:00 Hill - A Flickering Start
2:48 Joachim Heinrich - Stjärna
5:48 Chris Zabriskie - Cylinder Five
9:24 Chris Zabriskie - World of Wonder
10:51 Stephen Keech - Selha
13:25 Hill - A Sad Scene from a Sad Film
16:54 Hill - The Persecuted
19:39 Falls - Life in Binary
22:10 Hill - Mourning Wakes
25:35 Hill - The Now is Only a Thin Slice of Who I Am
28:46 Kyle Preston - An Ocean of Quiet Confession
31:29 Kyle Preston - Up The Oregon Coast
33:43 Joachim Heinrich - Y
0:00 Introduction
5:48 The Wavefunction Never Collapses
9:26 Incogni
10:55 Quantum Russian Roulette
14:41 Generalized Immortality
16:57 Anthropic Reasoning
19:28 Corrected Intensity Rule
22:10 Non-Quantum Analogies
28:45 What is Self?
31:26 Final Thoughts
35:43 Outro & Credits
#CoolWorlds #QuantumImmortality #ManyWorlds