Here is our 60 ACSM question and answer guide/practice test. We put a ton of work into it, and it should really help you to pass that ACSM exam on your first try.
It's 19.97, which is a much better deal than ACSM's version.
Pocket Prep is a very useful tool for those looking to improve their ACSM knowledge. It will be particularly helpful to you if you struggle with weirdly worded questions. Use our link down below to help support the channel at no extra cost to you!
Thanks guys! We appreciate your support!
Pocket Prep:
If you’re studying for your ACSM personal trainer exam you’re in the right place! Down below are time stamps for different concepts that we go over in this video. If any of you have any questions about passing your ACSM CPT exam, make sure to leave us a comment on this video! I will respond to you!
Good luck studying for your personal trainer exam everyone!
ACSM Resources For The Personal Trainer Book (cheaper link):
02:13 ACSM Exercise Guidelines
03:20 ACSM FITTVPP Cardiorespiratory Fitness
05:36 ACSM 5 Acute Program Variables
07:21 ACSM Blood Flow Through The Heart
11:22 ACSM Pregnant Clients
12:36 ACSM Carbohydrate Recommendations
13:33 ACSM Macronutrient Recommendations
16:57 ACSM Seat Height
18:32 ACSM Risk Factor Stratification (blood pressure, cholesterol, waist circumference, etc.)
21:51 ACSM Hyperglycemia And Hypoglycemia Symptoms
23:50 ACSM Protein Intake Recommendations
26:03 ACSM Hypertrophy, Power, Strength Recommendations
27:07 ACSM Practice Test
30:13 ACSM Pocket Prep App