Can we think ourselves younger? Does feeling down alter the performance of my cells? Could a joke change my DNA methylation patterns? Well, “there is one aspect of aging that we may be able to control and that is psychological aging”.
In this video hear me out to the end as we discuss both sides of the statement to really see how well this statement, holds up. So first, I’ll introduce the concept of psychological aging and subjective age and how it differs from chronological and biological age, then we’ll look at evidence supporting this question and then reasons to remain sceptical, but optimistic (you’ll see why at the end).
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Intro - 00:00
Psychological & Subjective age - 01:00
Subjective age and better health - 02:00
Deep learning & AI (SubjAge) - 04:10
Sceptical, but optimistic - 08:00
Mitina, M., Young, S., & Zhavoronkov, A. (2020). Psychological aging, depression, and well-being. Aging, 12(18), 18765–18777. Advance online publication.
PsychoAge and SubjAge: development of deep markers of psychological and subjective age using artificial intelligence -…
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