Come reset yourself for the week through Namaste Sunday class.
Can register through
This class is begginer friendly.
Keep in mind that you can take the yoga practice as hard or as easy as you would like it to be.
We incorporate the use of vinyasa and hatha yoga, which allows breath to movement and relaxing into the poses at a softer pace.
The beauty of yoga is the benefits it brings to our awareness to our capabilities such as stress reduction, improved flexibility, better posture, improved flexibility, and increased strength,
Beginning of class, we flow through sun salutaions and open the yoga practice and intentions with focus on opening our awareness to our breathing.
During class, we go through various standing, seated, or lying yoga poses, stretches, and execies.
At the end of class we close with meditation of sounds bowls and lavender eye masks to help calm the nervous system, and to become grounded within ourselves and breath work.
#yoga #mindbodyconnection #yogaflow #yogapractice #yogaroutine #fitness #yogaforbeginners #yogi #meditation #namaste #yogainspiration #yogalove #yogastudio #yogamotivation #yogajourney #yogaeverywhere #yogaforeveryone #lotusstrengthyoga #flexibility #strength #yogaflexibility #yogastrength #flexibilityyoga #strengthyoga
If you have any questions drop a comment below or you can email or call/text 443-553-1860
And NO....! Its never too late to try, and all capabilities are welcome to try yoga
Private sessions are based on availability book directly via email or 443-553-1860 to learn how to get started!