Caregiving for an aging loved one can be stressful and overwhelming. Dr. Stephanie Van shares her experiences helping her family care for her aging grandparents, and her top 7 tips for how you can help your loved ones age with dignity. She discusses the natural progression of aging and how to best support aging loved ones as they need increasingly more help.
[Image Description: Three women are framed against a blank white background: Dr. Van and her two lovely grandmothers. On the left, Dr. Van, a young Vietnamese female with long dark hair, sits smiling, dressed in a black and white blouse. In the middle, an older Vietnamese female with gray hair smiles, wearing a pink blouse. On the right, an elderly Vietnamese female with short white hair smiles, wearing glasses and a red cardigan. The text above their heads in red lettering reads "Aging Asians"]
Table of Contents:
0:00 Intro to Caring for Aging Loved Ones
1:29 #1 Keep in Touch
1:59 #2 Assess Mobility & Fall Risk
3:34 #3 Communication & Cognition
6:45 #4 Hygiene & Self-Care
8:58 #5 Nutrition
10:35 #6 Ask for Help
11:26 #7 Prepare for the End
12:34 Outro
Where do Americans die?
Timed Up and Go (TUG) test one-page assessment by the CDC:
Advanced directives: how to make your healthcare wishes known in case you become too ill to communicate these:
Find resources for aging loved ones by location:
Resources for caregivers from the national institute for aging:
Caregiver support groups to learn new skills and avoid burnout: