Women are the cornerstone of a healthy and prosperous world—we must act now to eliminate preventable deaths and injuries.
Reducing the number of women who bleed to death during or after pregnancy and birth is the goal of the AWHONN Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) Project. The project is designed to improve clinicians' recognition of, readiness for, and response to postpartum hemorrhage.
We at AWHONN wish to thank all of the below who helped make the PPH Project a success:
Merck for Mothers
Rabin Martin
Quality Improvement Expert Panel
Brian Bateman, MD, MSc
Debra Bingham, DrPH, RN
Renee Byfield, FNP, MS, RN, C-EFM
Brenda Chagolla, RN, MSN, CNS
Jed Gorlin, MD
David Lagrew, MD
Marla Seacrist PhD, RNC, BSN, MSN
Ben Scheich, MS
AWHONN Regional Project Leaders
Robyn D’Oria MA, RNC, APN
Catherine Ruhl, MS, CNM
Lashea Wattie RNC, C-EFM, BSN, M.ED
District of Columbia
Councilmember Mary Cheh
Director LaQuandra S. Nesbitt MD, MPH
District of Columbia Department of Health
Commissioner Brenda Fitzgerald, MD
Seema Csukas, MD, PhD
Georgia Department of Health
Georgia Hospital Association
Georgia Obstetrical and Gynecological Society
New Jersey
Commissioner Cathleen Bennett
New Jersey Department of Health
New Jersey Hospital Association
New Jersey Maternal and Child Health Consortia
Other areas of the United States
California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative (CMQCC)
ACOG II (New York)