A step-by-step guide to using a puffer with spacer and mask for children and youth.
This video is provided for general information only. It does not replace a diagnosis or medical advice from a healthcare professional who has examined your child and understands their unique needs. Please speak with your doctor to check if the content is suitable for your situation.
Cette vidéo sert à donner des renseignements généraux seulement. Elle ne remplace pas le diagnostic ou les conseils médicaux d'un professionnel de la santé qui a examiné votre enfant et comprend ses besoins uniques. Veuillez consulter votre médecin pour vérifier si le contenu convient à votre situation.
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How to take your puffer with a spacer and mask.
Step one. Collect the puffer and spacer. Ensure that the spacer is clean and dry. Take the cap off the puffer and shake it five times. Now insert it into the spacer.
Step two. Get ready. Put the puffer upright into the rubber hole of the spacer. The puffer should fit tightly into the hole. Prepare your child by having them sit up or stand up in a comfortable position.
Step three. Hold the mask to your child's face. Hold the puffer and spacer together. Put the mask firmly onto your child's face. Be sure to cover the mouth and nose.
Step four. Give the medicine. Press the puffer once to load the medicine into the spacer. Hold the mask over your child's nose and mouth for 10 seconds. This should allow your child to take about six breaths. In some spacers, there may be a visual indicator showing you the breath in and the breath out. Make sure your child takes deep breaths and does not talk while taking this puffer. If your child needs more than one puff of the medicine, repeat steps 1 to 4.