In this video, Fatemeh, Shahin's second wife, comes home and, with the bitter news of the death of two fish, observes the feeling of sadness and grief among the family members, especially Jack and Delsa. Farzaneh, as the mother of the family, tries to prepare hot water to wash the children's hands and heads and begins the day of cleaning and tidying. Meanwhile, Shahin tidies up the dog's small room and builds a platform. Farzaneh also goes to the mountains to bring firewood, and thus, a day full of challenges and efforts is set for the family.
#family #dailylife #love #discomfort #compassion #stupidity #happiness #sadness #fateme #shahin #jack #delsa #farzaneh #cleaning #cleaning #care #animals #dog #mountain #firewood #hot_water #fish #fish_death #emotions #challenge #effort #happiness #settlement #friendship #support #empathy #dormitory #rural_life #motherhood #love #loneliness #memories #cooking #entertainment #children #family_activity #silence #calm #arrangement #distance #pain #hardship #hardship_of_life #happiness #teamwork #simple_life #memories_making #disorder #adaptation #progress #family_progress #relationships #difficulties #sleep #peace_of_mind #appreciation #good_day #bad_day #live_fish #experience #trouble #shared_life