Raise your vibration in mere minutes with this beautiful walking gratitude meditation - this powerful series of gratitude affirmations have been carefully-crafted to help you to manifest the life of your dreams. Listen to this EVERY DAY for 21 DAYS as you walk outside and you will see your world transform!
This incredibly uplifting guided meditation is a perfect compliment to enhance your daily walking routine. This walking meditation will reprogram your mind using positive affirmations to strengthen your gratitude of your surroundings and make you think happy, positive thoughts more often.
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➵ Start manifesting your DREAM LIFE by watching this FREE Law of Attraction video: jessicaheslop.com/ ➵
Enjoy and let me know in the comments how this gratitude meditation changes your life!
With love,
Jess 💕
Please share this walking meditation with others, thank you!
Follow me on Instagram to get your weekly abundance/meditation inspiration. Let's build our tribe! CLICK HERE: www.instagram.com/jessicaheslop_/
Music: Ascension - Theta by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. www.christopherlloydclarke.com/. Licensed by Enlightened Audio