Every day, waves would roll in on the beach near a small fishing village, leaving behind shells and small stones. One day, a small bottle washed up on the beach with the waves. Inside the bottle was a folded piece of paper.
“Jinwoo,” a boy playing on the beach, discovered a bottle.
“What is this?”
Jinwoo opened the bottle and took out a piece of paper. Inside it was written in poor handwriting:
"Hello! If anyone finds this letter, please tell me your story. I'll be waiting across the sea. - From an unknown friend."
Jinwoo's heart pounded as he read this letter.
“Someone is waiting for me beyond the sea! I have to send a reply too.”
Jinwoo ran home, got a piece of paper, and wrote down his story.
“Hello! My name is Jinwoo. I live in a small town near the sea. Where did you send this letter? I’m curious about your story too!”
He put the letter in a bottle, closed it tightly, and threw it into the sea. The bottle was carried by the waves and carried away.
A few days later, while walking on the beach again, Jinwoo found another bottle. There was a new letter in the bottle.
“Jinwoo, thank you for your reply! I live on a remote island. Our island is full of coconut trees and clear water. The story of your village is really interesting. Please keep sending me updates!”
In this way, Jinwoo and the protagonist of the letter began to exchange stories with each other through letters in a bottle. Jinwoo wrote about the amazing things he saw at the village festival and at sea, while the other person told stories about his daily life on the island and his friends.
As time passed, waiting for Jinwoo's illness became the greatest joy of his day.
“This friend doesn’t know me very well, but it’s amazing that we can share our feelings like this!”
One day, a final letter arrived from a friend.
“Jinwoo, I am now preparing to go see you in person. I am building a small boat to cross the sea. I look forward to meeting you soon!”
Jinwoo waited at the beach every day, filled with excitement. And one fine day, I saw a small boat approaching from afar.
Standing inside the boat was the girl who was the subject of the letter, smiling brightly.
“Hello, Jinwoo! We finally met!”
Jinwoo and the girl smiled at each other, and the friendship that started with a letter in a bottle continued warmly in real life. On the beach that day, the laughter of two friends mingled with the waves.
end. 🌊📜✨
🎹 Dan K. Clark
⯈ Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/1WHAQhSBcq0RjU7IXmzvm5
⯈ Youtube: / @dankclark
🎹Edneil Lai
⯈ Spotify: spoti.fi/3MvzHi9
⯈ Instagram: www.instagram.com/edneil.lai.music/
⯈ Apple Music: music.apple.com/us/artist/edneil-lai/1647560176
⯈ Facebook: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089106970263
🎹 Merin Warger
⯈ Spotify: spoti.fi/3DZOGOX
⯈ Youtube: / @merinwarger
🎹Kyle L. White
⯈ Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/6Dd4In5uQbbcnBSExKqK9F
⯈ Apple Music: music.apple.com/us/artist/1682169400
⯈ Instagram: www.instagram.com/kylelwhite_amg/
⯈ Youtube: / @kylelwhite
🎹Jeffrey M. Newell
⯈ Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/0LiWg5Cad6imHd04JHsJbe
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