MONARCH LEGACY OF MONSTERS Episode 5 Breakdown | Ending Explained, Godzilla Easter Eggs & Review. We breakdown and explain the latest Apple TV science fiction Godzilla MonsterVerse streaming series for Apple TV. We talk about and breakdown episode 5, ending explained, easter eggs, MonsterVerse spoilers, and our reaction & review of this latest Apple TV science fiction Godzilla MonsterVerse streaming series, starring Anna Sawai, Kiersey Clemons, Ren Watabe, Mari Yamamoto, Anders Holm, Joe Tippett, Elisa Lasowski, Wyatt Russell, Kurt Russell, & MORE!
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Reunions, conspiracies, and pu$$y…. Cats are everything in Episode 5 of Monarch Legacy of Monsters. Honestly drop the Monsters, I mean they aren’t in the show, so call it Legacy of Monarch. It’s cleaner. Anyway in this video I’m talking about everything in episode 5, small MonsterVerse movie easter eggs, things you may have missed, and some great theories on where things are no doubt going.
Grab a bag of chips you snacky little boys and girls, as we get into Episode 5 of Monarch: Legacy of Monsters…
So the episode kicks off with the group trapped in a Monarch containment facility, and Kentaro single handedly getting them out One of the biggest things, and tying back in with the show’s ongoing theme of secrets and characters wearing masks, is May having two different passports, living a double life like we had theorized. Duvall reads the passports, one being May Hewitts and the other Lyra Matteo, who we assumed was May’s sister back in America, but I think there is far more to this that I’ll get into later.
The main chunk of this Monarch holding facility section is them interrogating and being in awe of Shaw’s 90 year old age. This again has come up, I personally thought it was all a big ole joke, haha moment because this mofo is NOT even close to 90 looking, but it sounds like some sort of run in with a titan may have made it immortal. Yeah, I know some sort of Indiana Jones mumbo jumbo, but we learned last week that titan’s can confuse people, with the group walking in circles, so I’m curious if Shaw in a future flashback scene will be shown saving a titan who grants him magical powers. Idk man, this show is getting weird.
BUT I gotta say the scene of Shaw being shown the forgotten projector reel, which I love that they had it overlay his young self with his older self, even though it just barely missed the mark, is interesting. Because he longingly looks at Keiko, and yes it could be because we know she doesn’t make it, but I’m saying that Shaw and Keiko were actually f$%&ing He seems a bit too sentimental, so what a twist it would be to find out that the two Randa kids were actually his.
This video contains JBuck Studios MONARCH LEGACY OF MONSTERS Episode 5 Breakdown | Ending Explained, Godzilla Easter Eggs & Review /// MONARCH LEGACY OF MONSTERS Episode 5 Breakdown Reaction /// MONARCH LEGACY OF MONSTERS Episode 5 Breakdown Spoiler Review & Godzilla & MonsterVerse Easter Eggs & References
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