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Latest update inside gautam buddha international cricket stadium || Chitwan Team selection Pm cup

In this Video, i had collected a little information regarding the recent condition of Gautam Buddha International Cricket Stadium located in Chitwan. I have especially covered information and updates on the Model ground of Gautam Buddha International Cricket Stadium which is getting prepared for the upcoming men's prime minister cup selection of Bagmati Province .

#bagmatiprovince #gautambuddhainternationalcricketstadium
#nepal #cricketnepal #chitwan #cricket #cricketstadiuminnepal #cricketstadium #latestnews #latestupdate #latestupdateofgautambuddhainternationalcricketstadium #traveling #underconstruction #nepalicricketupdates #nepalicricketnews #nepalicricketstadium #dhurmussuntalistadium #newcricketstadium #gautambuddhainternationalcricketstadium #gautambuddhacricketstadiumnepalnewupdates #nepalstadium #nepalcricketstadiumnewupdate #nepalcricket
